Friday, January 8, 2010

im abandoning this blog

if you want to follow me, i will be uploading to my tumblr.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

ready to uff

Another cover I did for my iTunes. Anyone else listen to Uffie? If not, give her a try. She’s a female rapper, born in Miami, grew up in Hong Kong, moved to Paris and was friends with a DJ (Feadz) who was cool with the Ed Banger crew (Justice, Busy P, So-Me, etc.) and led to her rapping career.

I’ll be back tomorrow with day 7/8. Just got back from 2nd photoshoot ever, pretty successful. Drove alone nearly all the way to a different town but decided I was going the wrong way and luckily found the right place.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

da vinci and my hair


Day 5
Got good at drawing hair yesterday. Hopefully I can retain this skill so that I may master my own self-portrait. I think people should be able to draw themselves. Let’s all aim for that. Start simple right?

Day 6
Drafting up ideas for what I want to do for the barbershop. Got a notice in art class today that a local barber wants an art student to decorate a bathroom. It’s something right?

Planning on recruiting one or two friends and bounce off some ideas with the boss as well so we can make something monumental.

Trying to put together final touches for my college art portfolio to send off so I took this old piece out and snapped a photo of it. Audrey Hepburn loves Pocky

Reading books for my art history paper on how Renaissance artists became as genius as they were. Leonardo being one of the three or four artists I found books on at the library

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is The XX, they should be familiar to a few of you from the UK. Can’t remember how I discovered them but all I know is they make good music.

Here’s a CD cover I threw together for my iTunes. I found the original XX album cover to be too plain for me so yeah, made this.

Here is the original cover for you to compare.

Don’t have time to upload a drawing today but I’ve decided to give you a daily dose of my art no matter what, but I will upload drawings every other day since I get out of school earlier every other day.

Monday, January 4, 2010

day4 - back to school

Nothing much to talk about.....yet

Sunday, January 3, 2010

iron man gets a haircut?

Finally used a journal and did some sketching today. Still need to finish up about 70 pages of Crime & Punishment.

Anyways, continuing about my watching videos on vimeo. I’m contemplating shooting a music video based around a song by Washed Out (aka Ernest Greene) who makes real dreamy, relaxing electronic music. There are already some fan-made ones so I better hurry up quick and fill up a slot while I still have the opportunity. I’ll put up a video here as an example, it’s good music, feel free to share your musical tastes as well, I love discovering new music.

Washed Out - Belong (Music Video) from Blake Salzman on Vimeo.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Ok folks so now that we got this indieVisual thing going (props to Maddy, we got some basics that should be covered just in case. The main reason I wrote this up is because that some of you I probably can’t find and others are wondering why no one is following you….here are some tips

#1. Tag your posts!

When you post, look on your right and you will see a place for tags, use “indievisual” or “indieVisual” and when fellow indieVisual’s (or tumblr users hoping to see our wonderful artwork) search through tumblr they will be able to find your tumblr and follow you!

#2. Comments (optional)

Some of you I can see your blog and would like to say something but I can’t! Thanks to Maggie ( who figured this out, setup an account at and the rest is easy. Edit: Maggie also pointed out the following

“I have learned though, there’s another simple way to do it if disqus isn’t for you. You can type a question (though it doesn’t seem to be working on reblogs) or simply a question mark in your post, and right after you do so (or the option disappears), a check box on the sidebar will come up  and ask if you want to let people answer your question. Check it, and people will be able to “answer” aka comment.
This does, however, mean that you’d have to do so every time you made a post. I’m just sticking with disqus. :)”